A Teardrop in the Sand | Teen Ink

A Teardrop in the Sand

May 6, 2008
By Anonymous

A teardrop dropping on the sands of time
One drop falling, all alone
A murder committed in a world of crime
One rock detaching, from the stone
Teardrops dropping on the sands of time
Two drops falling, instantly muted
Murders committed in a world of crime
Two rocks detaching, all guilt refuted
A downpour of tears on the sands of time
A thousand falling, an ocean of pain
Millions dying in a world of crime
The very earth drenched in the blood of the slain
A teardrop dropping on the sands of time
One drop falling, all alone
A ray of sunshine in a world of crime
One ray of sunshine, through the cracks in the stone
Sunshine shining on the sands of time
Glowing golden the remnants of tears
A hero born in a world of crime
Bringing light to the darkness of people's fears

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