One Last Shot | Teen Ink

One Last Shot

July 4, 2008
By Anonymous

We all broke the huddle one the last play of the game,
Down by a touchdown,
No one was to blame.

As we got to the line to get ready to go,
The quarterback was nervous, but he was ready to throw.

As the quarterback dropped back, and got ready to pass,
He slipped because of nerves,
And fell down on the grass.

Because he fell, the defenders thought the play was done,
But not just yet,
The receiver was on the run.

The quarterback got hit as he threw the ball,
Hoping the reciever,
Would give it his all.

Catching the ball the reciever ran far
Dogding defenders,
Like a future superstar.

Diving at the pylon hoping to score,
The undefeated opponents,
Would be cocky no more.

The team was victorious, the trophy was won,
It was time to celebrate,
The hard work was done.

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