My Dream | Teen Ink

My Dream

April 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I saw you there
Preparing the event
In the dark with one street light
You lit the candles one by one
And placed them carefully down
At first, the shape was ambiguous
But as time passed, it began to form
When you were all done,
You called me out
I, surprised by your call,
Quickly changed to look pretty
I slowly walked down the stairs,
And walked up to the street light,
Where you stood near
You were surrounded by candles
That took the shape of a big heart
And you were holding colorful flowers
You began to sing
I began to listen
When the song stopped
You said these words,
“Happy Birthday”
And “I love you”
Then you gave me the beautiful flowers
Those words made my heart stop
Just like your song
I wish that moment could stop
And freeze there forever.

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