All I need is you | Teen Ink

All I need is you

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

When we met
I knew we could be
Something I wouldn't regret
With you I feel so free
You are more than a friend
More than a lover
You were the one God Promised to send
Having your live is like none other
I am blessed to share so many firsts with you
The many that will last is my heart
For now you have my key and I always knew
That you have shown me that we are meant to be and never apart
You have shown me true love
A love that will forever last
I know that our love will forever go above
So today lets forget the past
And begin a love that makes us happy with no end
For you will be the one that I an depend on
To always hold me when my heart needs to mend
So lets make the journey long
No more broken hearts or tears
As long as we're together we can make it through
Only tears of joy with no fears
Since I have been with you my heart has grew
We will make a life for the two of us
Planning a future to always be together
For having you next to me is always a must
To be apart is never
Babe all I need is YOU!!!

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