We must come together | Teen Ink

We must come together

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

We must come together
And say no to tyrants that have been ruling forever
We won’t take it anymore
We’ll refuse them of killing and war

They don’t deserve to think that
They can kill at will
So let’s quit our sayings
And do something for a change
The ones they cut down
Were the bravest souls
They sacrificed their lives
To rebel and to be bold

So let’s rise on our own
And organize
Make our voices heard
So that no one else dies
We must find the strength
If it takes great length
And then stop all this hate
Before our world goes blank

In the killing fields
Known as the streets
People are shot dead
With so much as a peep
Speaking out against
All they want to do
Is have the freedom to live

So let’s rise on our own
And organize
Make our voices heard
So that no one else dies
We must find the strength
If it takes great length
And then stop all this hate
Before our world goes blank

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