Dreams | Teen Ink


February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Little Sally wanted more
Than this slum and a spot on the floor
In a bad part of town where she lived
She wanted more, she had so much to give

She wanted a job that would help people out
She wanted to site cases and learn the ins and outs
Wanted to scream, “I object” out of the blue
And know that she’d be true

The dreams we all share
Some close and some far
Are all our own to dream and dare
You just need to open the door

Philip’s family wanted money
They wanted fame; they wanted glory
They wanted Philip to be great and have power
Philip didn’t want to climb that tower

Philip wanted nothing more
Than a little house and acres of soil
Where he could grow green beans and corn
Where he could be humble and know his morals

The dreams we all share
Some close and some far
Are all our own to dream and dare
You just need to open the door

Kristi was stuck
In commercials for a quick buck
Going home to her little apartment
Where she couldn’t afford the rent

She wanted fame and a star
On Hollywood boulevard
To have thousands of swooning fans
To be in famous movies and sing in all the bands

The dreams we all share
Some close and some far
Are all our own to dreams and dare
You just need to open the door

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