Insufferable Snob | Teen Ink

Insufferable Snob

March 20, 2008
By Anonymous

There was an insufferable snob.
From other students, self-esteem he would rob.
Then his mind he changed.
He stopped his silly little games.
And now he’s the school’s big heartthrob.

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Lexi Smith

There was a boy that I thought very mean.
His hair had a greasy black sheen.
But when I saw him smile last week.
My heart gave a huge leap.
Now for him, I am on the track team.

This will certify that the above work is completely original
Lexi Smith

Never go to that place, my mother said.
For there is a noise that could wake up the dead.
Of coarse I didn’t listen.
I went to see what I was missin’
And to my amusement, I found a boombox in a shed.

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