Imagination | Teen Ink


March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Most have yet to find a place
in this world which to escape to.
A place to forget everyday thoughts;
a place to free ones mind of all stress,
a place far into the distance.
Past the cold wind hills,
past where all terror reigns.
Where there is no fear in life
everyday is pleasant like a paradise.

People’s minds filled with an oasis:
an abundance of your own ideas
which helps makes life tolerable.
For one to find this place is a personal dare from me.
One just has to know,
know how to use the key.
Unlock it, go ahead your place a waits.
Step inside, try it out, it’s yours for life.
This place you’ve just unlocked
is not new to you.
We all lived here once
but, as time wore on this place were
we lived less, and less, eventually
we moved out and rented.
Here is your chance to move back in,
into your imagination.

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