Conclusions | Teen Ink


March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

It has been days now,
people are coming and leaving,
their shadows--
changing on the walls.
The future is fading
and the past--
seeking its conclusion.

This unexpected planning
has come way to soon,
and this inevitable death
has left me isolated.
Each moment, an eternity
thinking about hte times we shared.

It seems like only moments ago
I was sitting on your lap:
reading bedtime stories,
filling in coloring books,
and singing childhood tunes,
but now you're gone
and nothing can ever be the same again.

It started years ago,
the forgetting and the fading
we all tried to deny it,
but we all knew it had to happen soon.

Your glazed over eyes,
and your loss of spirit
the day before it happened
let me know
that that was going to be the last time.

You whispered "I love you" into my ear,
and even though the cold tears
rolled down my cheeks
and onto your death bed;
I mustered up the ability to say it back.

Your scent still lingers
on your packed away clothes
reminding me everyday
of the hugs and smiles we shared together.
Your everlasting laugh
will never leave my heart,
and your everlasting lvoe
will always be with me.

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