My Grandma's Window | Teen Ink

My Grandma's Window

April 18, 2008
By Anonymous

From the outside looking in.
I see little me jumping into her lap.
Hugging her right when she opens the door.
She laughs and I laugh both having a great time.
But, as I get older and she as well things change.
She starts to forget simple things like a newborn baby.
She gets very sick, a mystery sick.
Like a lost person, she sometimes forgets what day it is.
I am not happy.
Thoughts are hitting me like bullets.
I see her cleaning to keep herself busy,
even though everything is spotless.
Later, I see her getting better looking through my window,
better and better.
Rocks are in her road of recovery,
but she is a fighter.
I see her leaving back to her great house.
Better, recovered, happy she is alive.
But, she will never be the same.
So I make the best of the time I spend with her.
Wishing the day that she passes on will never come.

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