Snowflakes | Teen Ink


April 15, 2008
By Anonymous

The snowflakes float down
to the frozen ground; swirling
in the wind,
they are couples dancing

with sunlight that glints
and shimmers off
their delicate gowns.
The whole world

is silent and still for the moment
watching the ballet.
But like all beautiful things,
the curtain must close,

the final scene must come to an abrupt end,
the dancers must take cover
in the vast, black background, hoping
not to get caught by the terrifying darkness.

But, even through this loss,
there is light.
There is the flashing moment
of truth and contentment

that only comes
from seeing something
truly beautiful
and perfectly pure.

So even though
the Great Mother keeps trivial,
earth-bound beauty
in a pocket

close to her heart,
only scattering
some of the treasure
when it takes her fancy,

enjoy the encore
when it comes
and watch the snowflakes

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