Blind | Teen Ink


April 9, 2008
By Anonymous

my eyes are sewed shut
i can no longer see
the wonderful world
it all looks like hell to me

so broken losot
and all alone
this life is a maze
and i don't know where to go

everything i touch
breaks and dies
i don't want this to touch you
and destroy your life

i can't let you know
i can't let you see
this horrible darkness
that lives inside me

it takes over my thoughts
it takes over my life
everything i do and say
doesn't seem right

i don't want anyone to listen
to what i have to say
so i keep my mouth shut
and push everyone away

i don't want anyone to end up like me
so blind and unable to see

a world full of hope and belief
burned alive in there own dreams

cause all i can see
are horrible things
and allow stress and discomfort

so i'll shut myself out
of this horrible life
and slowly continue to bleed inside

i'll jsut tightly close my eyes
and forever be blind.

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