And So I Do | Teen Ink

And So I Do

April 20, 2008
By Anonymous

the clouds behind tumble along
as mountains Climb before my eyes
speckled with trees and snow
“come close” they say and so I do

the crisp blue sky lies behind them
settling gently in every crevice
snow from the peaks is whisked Skyward
“look up” they say and so I do

even when they Roar with power
I feel safe and have comfort
for I am in the hands of gentle giants
“be calm” they say and so I do

muscles tense are now Loose
I feel the stress seep out of me
as the mountains seem to take it in
“relax” they say and so I do

sit on the soft snow with ease
and huddle down in Comfort
the mountains – calming, Soothing
“make peace” they say and so I do

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