Like a Drum | Teen Ink

Like a Drum

March 28, 2008
By Anonymous

My heart beateth like a drum
For once again I saw his face
Thoughts fluttered that I must refrain from

His countenance depicted no warmth; his face indeed was numb
Roman spring had perished, a new season had begun
My heart beateth like a drum

My love, I cannot abstain from thee for the time to come
I thought you adored me so
Thoughts fluttered that I must refrain from

Despair, must I succumb?
In past weeks, he was love’s fool
My heart beateth like a drum

Grotesque I will become
For your love I will not have to repair to
Thoughts fluttered that I must refrain from

This affair, Lord, liberate me from
Unbind my chains, which so suppress my vitality
My heart beateth like a drum
Thoughts fluttered that I must refrain from

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