Monster | Teen Ink


October 6, 2011
By xFallenAngeletteX SILVER, Grovertown, Indiana
xFallenAngeletteX SILVER, Grovertown, Indiana
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Favorite Quote:
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, she became a butterfly.<br /> Insecurity kills all that is beautiful.

Your nothing but a dirty old man
But I knew it was some sort of elaborate plan
It's okay but let me ask did I fulfill your needs?
Sure it doesn't matter you made me bleed.
Did it feel good to use me like a piece of dirt.
Use those lines all you want theres no need to flirt.
Tell me you love me while you take it all away.
Cause I still won't believe a word you say.
I remember telling you no too, But aparently it wasn't up to me it was up to you
You tell me I'm a good girl and how good I was and how there is no need to make a fuss
And though I still cry in my sleep and feel the pain
I think of killing you when I hear your name.
I have never felt so disgusted like I haven't bathed in years.
But I still must thank you for making me realize my fears.
Before I wasn't scared and believed I was unbeatable
But thanks to you, you showed me that I am vulnerable
It's funny how easily I can be broken like a piece of glass
How slowly in a moment like that time will pass.
But I look at you now, your nothing but scum
You have no money, no house, no firends, no life.
So even though I'm scared and the pain will never heal at least in the tornment you live in right now is real
You twenty-seven years old and you've done nothing with your life. No kids, no relatives, not even a loving wife.
It makes me laugh because I realise how sad It must be to know the only thing you've accomplished was doing me.
I'll live my life to the fullest
I have a smile on my face.
Ill wipe you off my mind and leave you alone in this place.
I don't feel sorry for you or how hard you find it to survive
Cause you stopped me from living a normal life.
So cry infront of me and beg for my mercy
I won't show it to you. Someone so unworthy
I'll ignore the pain and the tears you cry.
And don't you dare ask me a reason why.
Cause put it simply my dear so you can understand
go back to memory lane and press rewind
remember my face. remember the untouched version. but from metting you my attituded has changed. I'm no longer the innocent girl you once knew I'm sorry Rapist if you still don't have a clue
I'm saying you'll get no mercy from me. Cause was it when you did this to me?

The author's comments:
Basically the poem describes what happened. I was raped when I was 17 and he took everything from me. But I'm not letting him get the best of me.

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