L.O.V.E | Teen Ink


September 24, 2011
By ChelseyChelsey SILVER, Morristown, New Jersey
ChelseyChelsey SILVER, Morristown, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live.
-Charles Bukowski

They've promised us that dreams can come true but forget to mention nightmares are dreams too - Oscar Wilde

The slam of a door.
My tears at night.
Is this love?
My favorite bear destroyed on the floor.
The screams of the other children.
Is this love?
No, it can't be!
Love isn't supposed to make you cry yourself to sleep.
Love isn't supposed to leave you with a black eye.
Its not love!
If it was love he wouldn't hit me.
Or touch me against my will.
If it was love he would give me butterflies and my world would stop.
So then what is love?
Love is the boy who takes you home to meet his parents first.
Love is the girl whose afraid to lose you.
Love is the way a mother looks at her newborn baby.
Love is a father and his daughter's inside jokes.
Love is the best friend that stays on the phone until 6am because her best friend got dumped.
Love is courage, hope, freedom.
Love is never giving up.

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