And The Rose Petals Fell Like Rain | Teen Ink

And The Rose Petals Fell Like Rain

September 8, 2011
By Ellabell PLATINUM, Columbia, Missouri
Ellabell PLATINUM, Columbia, Missouri
21 articles 1 photo 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have not yet begun to fight!"
John Paul Jones

The clods of dirt pounded like thunder,
And the rose petals fell like rain,
Like the teardrops fell from my eyes,
And I knew
As I beheld that grey, bleak sky,
That I would never be the same again.
Your casket fills a grave
But you’ve left behind a void.
I try to be happy.
I try to be brave.
I still have a life to live,
As I think of all the gifts that you gave,
And what you had still to give.
How will I get by without you?
You, who taught me all that I know,
I lay down my flowers,
Suppress a sob,
And trudge away through the snow.

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