Rain 3-30-11 | Teen Ink

Rain 3-30-11

July 25, 2011
By EnigmaticBeing PLATINUM, Santa Barbara, California
EnigmaticBeing PLATINUM, Santa Barbara, California
22 articles 0 photos 51 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be careful what you set your heart upon - for it will surely be yours.&#039;<br /> James A. Baldwin


Rain rain come my way
Please come and wash my tears away
If you don't I will care
My heart will be shattered by your lack of care

So please sweet rain come my way
Come wash the pain of yesterday
So that tomorrow when it comes again
I won't have twice the wounds to mend

Rain rain come my way
Don't hesitate or look both ways
Just come pouring into my soul
So that my heart can almost feel whole

Down down down you come
Washing away the awful sun
Letting my sorrow become your prey
You come in waves of disarray

Thank you water of the sky
Keep coming down as I cry
I know that this is quite the task
But please dear rain do as you're asked

Neverending drops of relief
Hear my pleas and heed my weeps
Don't ever try to leave my side
Oh please dear rain watch me die

The author's comments:
I wrote this after I found out the person I'd fallen for loved someone more than me. I didn't know what to do, and I could hardly sleep. I wrote it at around 4am. It was as if something had pulled me from my slumber, held my hands, and pushed the keys to the beat of the broken heart lying on the floor forever leaving a stain far more permanent than blood...


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