July 1, 2011
By EspumosoNayade BRONZE, Kanpur, Other
EspumosoNayade BRONZE, Kanpur, Other
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I still remember the day,
when I met you first.
You gazed into my deep blue eyes,
and I ...... blushed!

I felt a warm glow run,
through my body, like blood.
Your eyes were full of passion,
and emotions, like flood..

You leaned down slowly,
very close to me.
You kissed on my forehead..
Oh! I was overwhelmed with glee!

You unveiled to me your feelings,
...that you love me honestly..
You wished to be my life-partner,
Through life's all thick and thin, sincerely...

And then as quick as lightning,
I instantly said "Yes!"
Because I had been loving you all my life and now,
getting my dream come true, I felt blessed!

You put your arms around me,
and hugged me tightly!
You vowed to always keep me happy,
And then, you caressed me lovingly!


Since that day till now,
You've always been on my side.
Holding my hands firmly'
Through life's all high and low tides.

People live, people love,
But only few's prayers are answered.
Mine was, when I married you My Love!
My heart had sung and danced and fluttered!

And O My Lord! You've been a perfect partner,
With you, life seems so fair!
All thorny paths become easier to travel,
All troubles vanish into thin air!


And today, in spite of your busy schedule My Dear!
Our love multiplies...
Your passionate green eyes, your gentle strokes make me wonder..
"Time flies ....but Love never dies....!!"

The author's comments:
In this poem, I'm IMAGINING myself to be a grown-up lady, successfully married to the person whom I've been loving since teenage! :-)

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 25 2011 at 8:46 am
EspumosoNayade BRONZE, Kanpur, Other
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments
heyya thanx a lot!

on Jul. 16 2011 at 10:52 am
Wildflower30 SILVER, Kolkata, Other
8 articles 0 photos 88 comments

Favorite Quote:
Create your own sayings, for only then do they make sense most. ---- Me

Wow! Who writes about marriage these days? Lost love and being married to someone you DON'T love are the major themes of love poems, these days. This is so different and... HAPPY! :D It reminds me of my parents. :) 
Lovely work. Keep 'em coming!