What Happened to Us? | Teen Ink

What Happened to Us?

June 21, 2011
By Cryswithaly SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
Cryswithaly SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
5 articles 1 photo 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I was 5 my mother told me the key to life is happiness. My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. She said I didn&#039;t understand the assignment. I told her she didn&#039;t understand life.<br /> -John Lennon (Revised)

What happened to us?
We used to be best friends.
Now things have changed,
With all the drama going around?
We aren't the same.

What happened to us?
We used to be so close.
Joined at the hip,
But now?
It's like we're all said and done.

What happened to us?
We use to call everyday.
Now we're surprised,
When that little phone rings.

What happened to us?
I ask it everyday.
All I want,
is for us to be,
just like old times.
So tell me my friend,
What happened to us?

The author's comments:
This is to my bestfriend. We're close again but after drama and school happened we grew apart. I was scared I had lost her forever. She's like family.


This article has 9 comments.

on Aug. 1 2011 at 7:00 am
Reader101 PLATINUM, Amarillo, Texas
42 articles 4 photos 135 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We&#039;re all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it.&quot; -Andrew Clark(The Breakfast Club)<br /> <br /> &quot;Lack of format? Not possible in my opinion. Writing is an art, therefore you do you what you want.&quot; -b_gomez114

u r making my all my days here... KEEP WRITING!!!


on Jul. 30 2011 at 6:29 pm
Cryswithaly SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
5 articles 1 photo 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I was 5 my mother told me the key to life is happiness. My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. She said I didn&#039;t understand the assignment. I told her she didn&#039;t understand life.<br /> -John Lennon (Revised)

hAhahaha, i know right?

on Jul. 30 2011 at 6:28 pm
Cryswithaly SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
5 articles 1 photo 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I was 5 my mother told me the key to life is happiness. My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. She said I didn&#039;t understand the assignment. I told her she didn&#039;t understand life.<br /> -John Lennon (Revised)

Thank you!! Means alot(:

austenite GOLD said...
on Jul. 29 2011 at 10:38 am
austenite GOLD, River Falls, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 177 comments

Favorite Quote:
...one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love....I love...I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. -Mr. Darcy

I can tell a lot of emotion went into this poem - its something I think a lot of us can relate to! Good job!

on Jul. 29 2011 at 9:29 am
Reader101 PLATINUM, Amarillo, Texas
42 articles 4 photos 135 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We&#039;re all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it.&quot; -Andrew Clark(The Breakfast Club)<br /> <br /> &quot;Lack of format? Not possible in my opinion. Writing is an art, therefore you do you what you want.&quot; -b_gomez114

amen sista!

on Jul. 18 2011 at 8:33 pm
Cryswithaly SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
5 articles 1 photo 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I was 5 my mother told me the key to life is happiness. My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. She said I didn&#039;t understand the assignment. I told her she didn&#039;t understand life.<br /> -John Lennon (Revised)

Thanks!! Means alot! :)

Kai17 GOLD said...
on Jul. 18 2011 at 8:25 pm
Kai17 GOLD, Spokane, Washington
17 articles 5 photos 339 comments

Favorite Quote:
*beepbeep* <br /> &quot;Where to, Miss?&quot; <br /> &quot;To the stars.&quot;

Sososososo relatable! I love this.

on Jul. 18 2011 at 8:09 pm
Cryswithaly SILVER, Kokomo, Indiana
5 articles 1 photo 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
When I was 5 my mother told me the key to life is happiness. My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down happy. She said I didn&#039;t understand the assignment. I told her she didn&#039;t understand life.<br /> -John Lennon (Revised)

If you want you can.

My best friend and I didn't fight it's just school got in the way. I showed this to her and me and her talk more then ever!

on Jul. 18 2011 at 7:57 pm
TheHangingGirl BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
1 article 1 photo 250 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Poets utter great and wise things that they themselves can not comprehend.&quot;

AWW! Me and my Best friend, pratically sister, just got into a hugggeeeee fight, and i want to send this to her ! Amazing reallY!