A Child's Imagination | Teen Ink

A Child's Imagination

May 12, 2011
By audreyt BRONZE, Westlake, Texas
audreyt BRONZE, Westlake, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The imagination of a child is beautiful.
It’s funny and so sweet,
To have that forever would be wonderful.

So Innocent and peaceful,
To them anything is a toy even their feet.
The imagination of a child is beautiful.

Always warned to be careful,
They play so hard but never realize they are.
To have that forever would be wonderful.

Their faces seem so peaceful,
No care in the world would be neat.
The imagination of a child is beautiful.

To stop their curiosity would be sinful,
To keep thei happiness always would be a feat,
To have that forever would be wonderful.

Continuously silly and joyful,
To take this away, I would feel like a cheat.
The imagination of a child is beautiful,
To have that forever would be wonderful.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my poetry project.

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