With You | Teen Ink

With You

January 25, 2008
By Anonymous

With you I knew what we all want to know again
The bristle of fresh cut velvety green grass on bare feet,
The blinding awe of that last ray of ginger summer sunlight,
The brisk grey smell of a frozen lake creaking and cracking beneath my feet

With you doing nothing was never nothing,
Together we explored the ends of the earth,
Crossed molten rock and sailed on raging seas
No boundaries

Then something caught my eye
I grew tired of you.
You started to pull away and
I let you go.

Abandoned, I was finally free to feel
the grit, the deep haze of dazed sensations.
I laughed in your face.

Summer days replaced by sophisticated ways
of scoffing you away.
I hated you,
I didn’t need you.
They told me you’d be gone for good,
they told me.

Threaten me with forever! What did I know of eternity?

I’ll tell you now what forever is. Emptiness, a steel cold smack across the face.
An icy frozen flash of reality.

I didn’t know what I had lost until you were already gone,
gone like that second that has just passed you by,

You are nothing but a fond memory now,
Reminiscence of giddy toothless smiles and sleepy droopy eyes
I see you with someone else
but I don’t know you, I can’t feel you.
I envy them…I pity them, you will leave and break their heart too.


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