My Fight | Teen Ink

My Fight

January 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Day to Night
Night to Day
I it feel inside me
make it go away

Surrounded By pain
Surrounded by pills
I feel it taking over in my brain

I sit and watch the world go by,
I see smiles and wonder why,
Why does happiness not come to me?

Some days I fight
Some days I give in
I watch the vicious cycle begin

What happened to me?
What made me this way?
This is my life, not child's play

I get stronger as the days go by
It doesn't hurt as much when I cry
The pain isn't as sharp in my eyes

They say it's a long road to go,
They say it gets harder the more I know
I will make it through this awful curse
No more sadness, no more remorse

Day to night
Night to day
I will make this sickness go away

Night to Day
Day to Night
I will win this fight!!

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