Asking for lies | Teen Ink

Asking for lies

March 9, 2011
By Amemary BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Amemary BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If I had to choose her or the sun I&#039;d be one nocturnal son of a gun&quot;,<br /> &quot;I think you&#039;re really honest, but sometimes honesty isn&#039;t the best policy&quot;,<br /> &quot;Geo Geo Geo..dude rock out&quot;

You asked what I was looking for,
And when I didn't respond you asked once more.
Then I parted my lips and closed my eyes,
Shielding my emotions behind a disguise.
With fists clenched I lied and lied,
Until I left with my tongue tied.

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