My love for ........ | Teen Ink

My love for ........

February 25, 2011
By Rshadows SILVER, Dayton, Pennsylvania
Rshadows SILVER, Dayton, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
When some one tells you not to do somethings.... that's your key to do it.

Oh where do I begin?
I think about him day and night
And when I'm with him every thing is all right
I tell him my secrets
I tell him my dreams
He's the only one who knows the Pain I hide beneath
Yes I look happy and I am when he is near
But when he is not
That's when I shed my tears
He's the one person who knows me through and through
My dream is to have him at my side and be forever in his arms
And as time goes on the chances of that happening grows with each and every "I love you"


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