Freedom | Teen Ink


January 20, 2011
By gaby23 SILVER, Larkspur, California
gaby23 SILVER, Larkspur, California
7 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
~Christopher Columbus

Her body stands apart from others,
So strong and beautifully built
You never hear the insults,
He so commonly spilt

He'd tell her she was worthless,
And never meant to be
An independent woman,
Longing to be free

She cried herself to sleep
Until she lost those precious sheep
Tears escaped her fragile eyes
And yet that man continued to pry

The woman no longer had a chance
And over time, she lost her dance
Abusing every precious thought
She quickly became the one he sought

Losing feeling in her heart
He stabbed her thoughts, she fell apart
Lost and devoid of any emotion
The woman stumbled, through sickening devotion

She loved him unconditionally, and didn't want to quit
She was head over heals, living in an empty pit
He almost killed her fragile life,
With only thoughts made through a cold hard knife

And so she bled, her blood gone cold
She lost her body, to him she sold
Without a hope to keep her warm
There was no blanket, for it was torn

Though her drum continued to beat,
The sound she heard was too discreet
She begged for mercy, for she was strong
And thus began her frightful song

Her melody sung to restore her love
He quickly fought to shoot her dove
It rose by magic in the air
And escaped his tempting snare

But she wished only for life to be free
To be healed from the sting of this horrific bee
He took what she thought mattered most
But soon she left him, like a ghost

Standing hallow on the street
She kicked him out, and began to eat
Courage soared up in the sky
And today you see her, sweet as pie

Her smile shines and warms her mind
He no longer feeds of her lifeline
Banished behind walls of steel
Like her apple, she began to peel

And threw him away into a bin,
Now she sees his awful sin
Her mind and body working as one,
She declared him gone, and finally won

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