A Date | Teen Ink

A Date

October 18, 2007
By Anonymous

An aura of silent timidity surrounds them,
As they walk down past the still waters.
Their hands, merely inches apart,
Both twitch, eager for each other.
But a consistent distance remains,
Neither party sure when to come closer.
A tree of golden leaves comes between them,
Creating a momentary wall between the two.
Both smile softly, and return to the blank expressions,
When they see each other again.
All the while, they watch their feet intently,
Cautiously staying apart, careful not to come in contact.
A nearby bird calls, and both look up.
Stumbling slightly, they bump into each other.
Quickly recovering, each glance shyly at the other,
Eyes meeting briefly then retreating.
Autumn winds softly caress them, urging them closer.
She shivers, and he puts his arm around her.
Both glance at each other with surprised expressions,
Then regain passiveness and blank expressions.
And onward they go, down the river path,
Continuing their wonderfully solemn walk.

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