Speed | Teen Ink


May 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Living life in chaos
Like I've got no life to live
Wanting so much more this time
But I still have so much left to give

Tried to get by on my own
Passing these problems along the way
Tried to fly through these hard times
Passing by you was my only mistake

And my heart is beating
As my feet are running fast

There has to be this place somewhere
It has to be our time somewhere
A place where clocks stop ticking
The hands pointing only to you
A place where the world stops spinning
I know that our time is over due

And my mind is speeding
Can't make this second last

There has to be this place out there
It has to be our time somewhere
here we can run away together
We can't let our time pass
Where we can freeze together
And make this second last

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