The Cry of My Heart | Teen Ink

The Cry of My Heart

January 7, 2010
By Durosa BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Durosa BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars" --Kahlil Gibran

I keep trying to triumph alone,

By myself, away from You.

I think I can do everything on my own

And I refuse to acknowledge the truth.

I am afraid of help, afraid of trust,

And I yearn to be in control.

I am my one and only interest;

Perfection is my goal.

In little ways I bend the rules,

So slight that no one will know.

But though I inflict only minor wounds,

The gash seems to deepen and grow.

Millions of other voices call out my name,

Vying for my heart and soul.

But despite their promises, they all leave me the same,

Only You can make me whole.

The turmoil within me swells and mounts,

But my allegiance is to neither side.

And so I remain, plagued by doubts

And blinded by my pride.

What is this curse that torments me?

Causing my shameful behavior?

I’m begging You, Lord, set me free,

I really do need a Savior.

Although the flesh within me protests,

I’m submitting all to You

Life away from You is meaningless;

My surrender is long overdue.

Be my Rock, my Source, my Shield,

Take my heart, my mind, my soul.

My broken spirit cries out to be healed;

Hold me in Your arms and don’t let go.

Now You comfort me, wipe away my tears,

And forgive me of my sin.

You give me strength to face my deepest fears;

Who I am hates what I’ve been.

You unlocked my chains and rescued me,

And Your perfect love has set me free

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote a little less than a year ago and quite frankly, it is as the title states, the cry of my heart to God. Inspiration came both from my own musings as well as the lyrics to several songs.


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