I Wonder Why | Teen Ink

I Wonder Why

November 2, 2009
By rokie101 GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
rokie101 GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.
-Robert Frost-

You were my friend
My other half
We were like one another
But then you went and turned on me
And now I always wonder
Why you left. Why you lied.
Why you let our friendship die.

We were best friends
The best of friends
Some always wondered why?
We weren’t alike in many ways
But we knew more then meets the eye
We were alike in most ways that others can’t define
But then you went and turned on me and now I wonder why.

I can’t hold on to what is gone but one thing I can do
I can remember what we shared and how I’ll always love you!

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