Blame | Teen Ink


October 15, 2009
By JessicaMollie BRONZE, Hawera, Other
JessicaMollie BRONZE, Hawera, Other
3 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

The bruises will fade but the scars remain
Screams break the silence but don't ease the pain
Water will wash the evidence away
But the shame that you feel is here to stay

Innocence taken, never to be found
Evidence left in a heap on the ground
A simple touch seems like another attack
Everything's changed and there's no going back

You can't find the words to say how you feel
The world you once knew now seems so unreal
You try to continue as if nothing's wrong
Put on a brave face and try to be strong

The counterfeit smile won't hide all your tears
The phony laughter can't hide all your fears
Try to forget the night of the assault
But always remember, it wasn't your fault

The author's comments:
This was originally written as part of a school english assignment. It is for all those who have been a victim of sexual abuse.

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This article has 7 comments.

on Feb. 12 2012 at 12:31 pm
xximjustmexx PLATINUM, Oak Forest, Illinois
46 articles 0 photos 71 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's no god. There's no religion. There's only life, what you do with YOUR life, who YOU let affect YOUR life. Bad things happen to everyone, you just have to learn to deal with them.

i was sexually abused by my father, and i constantly blamed myself for what happened. i thought to myself everyday that i should have tried to stop him, and i also regret telling what he did to me. but this poem made me open my eyes. thank you, so much, for making me stronger. you don't know how much this poem helped me out.

on May. 13 2010 at 7:42 pm
Boosflash DIAMOND, Papillion, Nebraska
55 articles 0 photos 2066 comments

Favorite Quote:
What the front door.

everybody says that. your welcome.

on May. 13 2010 at 4:27 pm
JessicaMollie BRONZE, Hawera, Other
3 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'm a girl by the way.

on May. 10 2010 at 4:25 pm
Boosflash DIAMOND, Papillion, Nebraska
55 articles 0 photos 2066 comments

Favorite Quote:
What the front door.

youre the man(or woman) this will become one of my favorites on here. its like the rhyme easily came to you when you were sleep-then you woke up and wrote the poem. now this is my favorite on here. 5 stars Captain.

on Mar. 6 2010 at 10:27 am
xxhollyxx BRONZE, Perth, Other
1 article 14 photos 58 comments
This will be mean so much to those that have been a victim of sexual abuse....
Well done :)

cassie said...
on Dec. 8 2009 at 12:19 pm
i admire dat poem u wrote. u r a gud poem writer. u have a special gift dat nobody can take away. ;)

on Nov. 19 2009 at 9:16 pm
Melonn PLATINUM, Phoniex, Arizona
25 articles 3 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
change your life

Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.
John Ada

reminds me of a rap song good job