In A Time | Teen Ink

In A Time MAG

By Anonymous

   In a Time

In a time when guns made the choices
When the sun shone high;
In a time when rivers would flow
And never run dry.

In a time when dreams rode on ponies,
Until ponies were grown;
In a time when some gave their lives
Defending their home.

In a time when love was a teardrop,
And fear was a sin;
In a time when blood would be shed
At the drop of a pin.

In a time when fifteen was old,
And fourteen was young;
In a time when slaves tilled the soil,
And gospel was sung.

In a time when memories were friends,
And friends were few;
In a time when new light brought hope,
And darkness was cruel.

In a time when prayers that were said,
Were to live through the night;
In a time when smiles were lined
With worry and fright.

Yet such a time so fearsome,
Brought a legend so sacred,
Though stories be told,
They fought of love and not hatred.

by K. G., Medway, MA


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