October | Teen Ink


October 1, 2009
By Kaehnk1 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
Kaehnk1 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Orange, yellow, red leaves,
Tumbling off every tree,
I smell the scent of fall air,
With a colorful view to see.

But colors fade when nighttime falls
As darkness shines a full moon,
Houses covered and decorated
With witches, ghosts, and goons.

The very next day, the thirty-first
An evil eerie time,
Haunted houses, trick-or-treating
Sending chills up your spine.

Then at midnight there comes an end
To a pumpkin-perfect day,
Monsters, goblins, and other creatures
Go underground to stay

…Until next October

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