My mom | Teen Ink

My mom

September 10, 2009
By milana007 GOLD, Aventura, Florida
milana007 GOLD, Aventura, Florida
11 articles 4 photos 1 comment

My mom
A lady of wisdom, a lady of thoughts
I love my mother dearly, but we don't get along
Communication hasn't found it's way yet
Only a couple years till I'm an adult,
and I'm still a prisoner in her prison,
She doesn't understand, she will never understand
I want to get out, I want to scream
But thats what mothers do, I guess
They limit your happiness,
but why?
They were once our age

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because this is describing how i feel when my mother doesn't let me do something, like going to a party. I do love my mom, but she just keeps pushing me away from her.


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