Terminator | Teen Ink


August 24, 2009
By kayleefaith PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
kayleefaith PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
37 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Tear stains on the pillow case
Close my eyes and I see your face
One blink, my heart starts to race
Try to keep down a steady pace

Recollections are hard to swallow
Memories cannot be erased
Not puppy love caused by callow
But true love triggered by grace

Like pollen carried in the wind
Our love spread happiness throughout
Not a battle we could not mend
No hatred found about

Until she came along
No I didn’t stand a chance
Her spellbound beauty did me wrong
Put you in a deception trance

Just one question left,
Do her eyes sparkle brighter
Does her voice carry sweeter
Are your moments lighter?

Is it the same?
No it cant be
Our moments cannot be remade
Oh why cant you see?

I was left alone, forgotten
You went off with her
Our end was her begotten
Your beginning was my terminator


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