God's Prayer | Teen Ink

God's Prayer

July 17, 2009
By esn0622 GOLD, Fair Lawn, New Jersey
esn0622 GOLD, Fair Lawn, New Jersey
13 articles 4 photos 8 comments

Down below, the people bustle
Down below, the people live
And grow and thrive and laugh and love.
But up here, where all of eternity
Is stretched before me like an endless ocean
And all there is to do is
Sit and watch and listen
I must say,
It can be mind-numbing,
Because, after all, I’m
Floating in a universe
Where everything is a beginning
And everything is an end
A place where I have always existed

And will always exist.
I’ve been granted with the gift
Of knowing everything that ever was
And everything that will ever be,
So I know this will sound selfish,
Especially coming from the mouth of the
But sometimes it gets difficult
To have no one to look up to and turn to
When the going gets tough
Or when I’m just not sure
When to begin the apocalypse
Or invent the next generation of iPods.
So I’m just asking for a little help,
Because even the all-knowing
Need a little assistance
Once in a while.
(And I must add
That it does get pretty lonely up here,
All by myself…).
Yeah, some help would be nice.



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