One Of Seven Lives | Teen Ink

One Of Seven Lives

July 18, 2009
By Cheyenne ELITE, Hephzibah, Georgia
Cheyenne ELITE, Hephzibah, Georgia
112 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
-The brightest future will always be based on the forgotten past
- It takes who you are and where you've been to make the person you are today
-As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person
-To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail

When you lose your love in a fight
Did you know that it was your fault?
When you leave your faith in a fight,
Now hopefully you'll know it's not worth fighting for,
When it's not worth dying for, revenge is not the answer.

I'm trying to get into your head,
That you only have one life
Now kiss it goodbye.
You should have given up the fight,
Because there was only one of you
And twenty guns and knives.
You only have one of seven lives.

You try to live without regrets,
But when you're in stress, you break a sweat.
Looking for a place to hide.
I know that someone broke your heart inside,
But you have to fight to survive
Because now your on the borderline.

I'm try to get into your head,
That you only have one life
Now kiss it goodbye.
You should have given up the fight,
Because there was only one of you
And twenty guns and knives.
you only have one of seven lives.

You made a mistake to fight for your country,
Now you've lost the war.
Was it worth dying for?
You lived a short life, now it's time to dye
It's a shame because you've burned down homes
You've lost control,
Was it worth fighting and dying for?

I'm trying to get into your head,
That you only have one life
Now kiss it goodbye
You should have given up the fight,
Because there was only one of you
And twenty guns and knives.
You only have one of seven lives.

The author's comments:
This is about a person who lost a loved one in the Iraq war.

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