Say Yes to No | Teen Ink

Say Yes to No

July 15, 2009
By Poet4God DIAMOND, Houston, Texas
Poet4God DIAMOND, Houston, Texas
54 articles 3 photos 6 comments

I followed your gaze,
to see what you crave.
found fun and laughter,
long parties before and after.
Nothing deep, like I had thought.
None of this, was what I was taught.
Please don't lure me any more.
This is more deep than I've been before.
I thought it was me and you.
Crowds, parties and craziness, I'm through.
No more, no more, let's get real.
we'll tie it together to make something surreal.
You can't always follow what, to your eyes appeal.
It's a fun road, with tons of craze.
But what happends when it all fades?
There's nothing left, to come home to.
So what do you say, to me and you?


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