We The Women | Teen Ink

We The Women

June 7, 2024
By amiabattle222 BRONZE, Irvington, New Jersey
amiabattle222 BRONZE, Irvington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We real smart. We

Never stay quiet. We 

Prosper, at any and everything. We 

Always fighting to prove ourselves. We         

Beautiful, Intelligent, and more than worthy. We

Take on the jobs of everyone. We 

Put others before ourselves. We       

Deserve any and all praise. We 

Women give life. We

Are real special

The author's comments:

My name is Amia Battle I am 16 years old and I am a junior in highschool. I chose this piece because it really resonated with me. I believe speaking on how important the women of the world are. I’ve seen on social media how underappreciated we are although we are one of the strongest people. I wrote it to give recognition to all the women in the world who fought for our rights, who created meaningful items that we use to this very day.

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