Treat Yourself | Teen Ink

Treat Yourself MAG

By Anonymous

was spent yelling
Out loud and at myself
Out loud it was mostly at you
withyour domineering authority
And obsessive meddling
when nobodycared to poke their head
inside my door
and impossibly intrude
I toremyself apart
piece by piece
Knowing you for what you are
Yet fightingyou with every bit of resistance I have
You always seemed too far away fromme
To convince me to try harder
to meet your demands
or understand whatyou meant
or just
calm down
something's terribly wrong
this is goingto shock and terrify them
I don't care
And when my yelling turns tosilence
You'll be left with the golden rule
Treat yourself

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This article has 1 comment.

INnaturegirl said...
on Nov. 7 2009 at 5:30 pm
this is awesome! i <3 it a lot!!! keep writing ur great...