Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

“May God protect” is what Jacob translates to in hebrew. I never considered myself religious, but I never turned away from the idea of a god existing. If a god exists I wouldn’t be against the thought of being protected by a power beyond imagination. Jacob, to me always sounded to be a calm name, calm like a dark vibrant purple; mix blue and red. blue– a strong color, a hopeful color and red– a powerful color, controlling and demanding. Purple, a mix of both, becomes neutral, calm, and controlled. A color of relaxation and comfort. 

“Who is like God '', “A gift from God” is what Michael translates to in hebrew. Last time I checked I wasn’t similar to any higher powers, but being a gift isn’t too far fetched depending on who you ask. 

“Spear tribe” is what my last name, Ledger. My favorite part of my name. Ledger, to me, always had a powerful sound to it; a strong and wise individual would carry such a name. The same last name as the Joker himself, Heath Ledger. Actor responsible for one of, if not, the best interpretations of the character to date. Playing the Joker in The Dark Knight. Although not a relative of his, sharing a last name with one of my favorite actors is one of the factors that make my name unique. 

The author's comments:

This is what my full name means, and what it means to me.

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