Chick-fil-a | Teen Ink


April 19, 2024
By rilynnfenton GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
rilynnfenton GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Chick-fil-a sandwich brought tears to my eyes.

Anyone who goes to Chick-fil-a is very wise.

The food is delicious and makes me feel so great.

Chick-fil-a is the one thing in the world I could never hate.

Nobody in my family loves Chick-fil-a like I do.

People who hate Chick-fil-a make me want to sue.

Nobody has time to make real food after work.

My sister hates Chick-fil-a, she’s a jerk.

Everytime I eat Chick-fil-a I’m on the brink of starvation.

I was never allowed to eat at a dance competition.

Having Chick-fil-a always puts me in a good mood.

It's always what I would think of when I wasn’t allowed any food.

I always hated the pressure put on me to dance.

I always meant to quit but I never had a good chance.

All anybody saw was the little girl covered in makeup and glitter.

They didn’t see the overworked child, They just called her a quitter.

Every practice ended in tears and every year more and more friends were lost.

My teacher would yell at me relentlessly never knowing when that line had been crossed.

She told me to be better than my friends and to do anything I could to win.

I hated how she would compare us, making me hate my own skin.

She told the parents how happy we were and how much we could improve.

Anyone with half a brain would see how she treated us and disapprove.

My team thought I was the favorite and that my teacher loved me.

I just wanted it all to stop so I could finally be free.

Be free of her grasp and her manipulative words.

I thought I was happy but looking back it hurts.

Everyday when the dancing was done and I could finally eat.

I would go to Chick-fil-a and have my favorite treat.

Chick-fil-a was where I couldn’t be judged or overworked for the chance of an award.

No matter how I danced or how good I placed she never liked how I scored.

It was never high enough and I never seemed to get it all right.

Even if I placed higher than the rest of the studio it would never be good enough that night.

I dreaded competition days and how I had to put on my fake smile.

But having Chick-fil-a in the end made it all worthwhile.

The author's comments:

I love Chick-fil-a

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