Poppy Fields | Teen Ink

Poppy Fields

December 13, 2023
By Mr_Fields BRONZE, Topsham, Maine
Mr_Fields BRONZE, Topsham, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Open in the poppy fields I pondered to myself,

if I shall stay to smell the flowers or migrate somewhere else.

It was lonely, so lonely smelling flowers on my own.

If I shall stay, all I will be motionless under a cold, dreadful storm.

As I passed the poppies pondering profusely to myself

I want nothing more than to share what I have felt.

I wish, to not be by myself, in this poppy field forever,

but for now alone I shall be till the chilling, killing open weather.

Twas me alone, alone in the poppy fields, I shall be

Maybe one day I can find another, who is as lonely, or lonelier than me.

I had smelt the poppies one last time, before winter rose.

Eventually I will go back to the poppy fields when winter eventually goes.

The author's comments:

Sometimes people feel lonely. But you can do something about it. something like a friend, family, or a lover can make you feel so much better, it's important to have at lease one of these outlets to cheer you up. At one point I felt alone. But when I started spending time with my mom, hanging out with my friends, it made me feel so much better. If you have no one to talk to, just start talking to people, there are more than 8 billion people in the world, you can find a friend in at least 1.

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