Summer’s Departure | Teen Ink

Summer’s Departure

November 9, 2023
By VTuss SILVER, Keizer, Oregon
VTuss SILVER, Keizer, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Processing Southward, duty done,

Departs the summer's sumpt. 

We now see her setting sun, 

Adieu! for she is trumped.

How blesséd were the days she reigned,

So tranquil and eternal,

Earth's small, paradisal feign— 

Now must descend, hibernal.

Her gaity's herald was the Spring, 

But he withdraws beside her,

Azal’ea trumpet lowering,

Fearing Autumn, his derider.

Take up your lanterns; bid them well 

At Autumn's darking march.

That potentate arrives to dwell 

In wait of the Winter Eparch.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in late August of this year as the seasons were changing. It was a good summer, and I was sad to see it go.

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