Frozen Paradise | Teen Ink

Frozen Paradise

October 19, 2023
By 4nevermann PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
4nevermann PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
33 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The winter wind hit the penguin 

as it slid across the icy hill at

surprising speeds.

The emperor penguin trailed off in a hurry,

eager to find his next meal.

Breaking through the ice barrier,

the penguin’s sharp beak punctured a silverfish.

Waddling across the frozen land,

the penguin ventured out to find his family.

Their huddle keeps the warmth within them.

A milk-white egg lay between his protective feet,

awaiting his mate to return.

The penguin chick was born.

He dove into the glassy ocean,

desperate to find prey.

His beak caught the fish and swallowed it whole,

all while swimming back to his family.

The author's comments:

In writing about penguins, we thought about how beautiful nature is and how different animals live in different climates. We discussed how nature is important and impacts everyone because we are all connected within. We made up this story by doing some research on penguins to get an idea of the kind of climate they live in and how they go about their day. We used our emotions to tell a creative story.

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