Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

September 28, 2023
By cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the noise in the silence 

But the little girl who seeks help 

Alone with her thoughts 

All alone.

Distracted by being a sister. 

Sharing advice to provide comfort

To provide a sense of love

As I am like the lost mother they couldn’t have. 

But still 

I can be the laughter when there is silence 

Sharing little jokes

To make that sadness fade away 


A friend

A friend that brings in light when there is darkness

I am a cluster of bright colors, 

That becomes brighter in the morning 

And shining down as the sun sets 

Fading away.   



The author's comments:

This represents a little part of me and somethings in my life that have happened. 

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