Sinking | Teen Ink

Sinking MAG

June 21, 2023
By evancarr SILVER, Seattle, Washington
evancarr SILVER, Seattle, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pit at the bottom of your stomach exists just to  

Drop when you waste the whole day away, then look 

Up at a clock, only to find that you’re 

Burning and filled with self-hatred, swearing it 

Was just noon, the seconds too fast 

Now life’s a blur of just 

Trying to accomplish something to 

Show for your hours 

Only to see 

No more 


The author's comments:

Evan Carr is a rising high school senior from Seattle, Washington. His work has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, and he is is editor-in-chief of his school literary magazine, AQUILA. When he isn't writing, he can be found skiing, biking or playing ultimate frisbee like the basic Washingtonian that he is.

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