Protected in Power | Teen Ink

Protected in Power

June 2, 2023
By Leah_Gadams BRONZE, Stella, North Carolina
Leah_Gadams BRONZE, Stella, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Affection is your “love language,”

But you hold zero regard for discomfort.

Care and love you preach.

Do you know such a meaning?

Everything is about you,

For you,

Good for you.

Happy and content you smile.

Ignoring those who don’t have fangs to bare.

Joking and laughing at what you did.

Killing flowers in gardens of prosperity.

Love is pure, yet yours is tainted. Your

Mouth spitting lies and kissing away innocence.

“No” is not in your vocabulary.

Of course, it isn’t.

Picking and choosing who is worthy of your attention.

Questioning morals is not something you do.

Reality is not something you face.

Sheltered from punishment as you sit on your pedestal

Trimming and molding candidates

Under the pretense of your “love language.”

Virtuous is what they call you…

Why can’t they see? E-

Xcept for me, they are all blind.

You are not affectionate. You are a 

Zealous predator.

The author's comments:

This is an Alpha poem I wrote also for my creative writing class. I was inspired by those who are in positions of power but abuse their power to get what they want. The victim is not always believed, so I wanted to do it from the perspective of someone who knows what is going on and refuses to sit idly by. I want people to feel uncomfortable when they read my poem because so many victims don't get the choice to be comfortable.

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