What are you 2023? | Teen Ink

What are you 2023?

May 4, 2023
By CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Girl That Bob!!!" -SL

What are you 2023? 

Are you just the aftermath of a large live event?

The shadow of a worldwide pandemic?

Are you the healing of the anxiousness we insured?

For me I feel you are some sun after the storm

A calmness after a hurricane

You know how people stole from the restrooms

I never knew how to respond to the chaos

Looking around seeing girls in small tops with lululemon leggings

Others being weird from wearing other things 

Being huddled with others like 

Like a fish in a small pond never leaving your school

How can you also be so loud?

Protests happening worldwide

While powerful countries are safe watching it go down

People keeping close contact with others through pictures 

On an app where you never talk

How can it seem so big and yet so small?

I can go so long with never seeing a friend

As soon as I turn on my phone I am sucked of breathe

I see hate everywhere people somehow divided by one small thing

Are you also free?

Were I have my voice and you have yours

The person with so much talent seen my thousands

Are you the person waiting for another to see you?

The person in the back of the room

I see others laughing and talking all around me

I am sitting with many ‘friends’ I barely talk to

All connected by one thing following each other on their device

I can see everyone in the world from this small thing

I know everything that is going on around me

But it only makes me realize how scary the current world truly is

The author's comments:

This is a Beat/List Poem from my creative writing class. We were given the task of making a poem for 2023 and how it relates to the lives of us, teenagers.

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