NA | Teen Ink


May 2, 2023
By matthewronge BRONZE, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
matthewronge BRONZE, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The system remains fractured,

They worked the land with calloused hands,

No rest from dawn to dusk in these harsh lands.

Their days are long and hard,

The work is so tiring that it's hard to guard.

They have to work for so little pay,

Just to make a living day by day.

No money to buy proper health care,

No time for leisure or fun.

No time for education  to learn,

No hope for a better life to earn.

No one hears their cries and pleas,

The world turns a blind eye to them.

No one's there to help them out,

Left to suffer in silence and doubt.

But they still keep fighting on,

For a better future to come along.

To show the world their worth

But the system continues to fail them

Over and over again

The author's comments:

With lines from “” by Sky Chadde and Esther Honig, a Pulitzer Center reporting project 

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